The Day We Fight Back

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Show your Spirit at Sn@tch

Heyy and happy Spirit Day! I'ts a really important day and if you don't know about it, I'll tell you real quick.
Spirit Day was created to support LGBT youth who feel that life is not worth living due to the hate, bullying, and cruelty they face daily. The group was started because of the many suicides we've had recently that were caused by bullying and hate. While wearing purple is meant for ending bullying of LGBT youth, it really should represent putting an end to all hate crimes. This is not limited to just homosexuality. 

So today October 20th, we are wearing purple which is the last color in the rainbow flag and it represents hopes that it will send a message to bullies that this kind of thing wont be tolerated and to kids that are feeling alone and hopeless that there are tons of people who will support and love them no matter what and that if they stick it out, their lives will get better. One death or suicide of a child due to hatred and intolerance is too many. This issue is a very personal one to me so I'm wearing purple for my best friend in High School, Heston, who was harassed mercilessly because of his style and sexuality and eventually had to leave school because of it. He survived the hate and threats and now is an amazing and happy grown man. So...I've done some purple things today and I hope you like em!

As a little freebie today to give everybody something purple to wear and to make a statement and spread the word that Bullying is NOT acceptable, I made these purple long sleeved tees. They're man tees but as you can see work pretty well for women too. Four statements to empower and spread our support for those that may be thinking about doing something extreme to get away from a temporarily bad situation. These are in the purple gift bag on the front deck at the Sn@tch Main Store

I see quite a bit of harassment and bullying in SL too and I will say as always, when you see someone being discriminated against, bullied or ridiculed, you can make a difference. Stand up and say something if you can't face the bully, you can support the person who's feeling hurt and alone. You can change someone's life and we could someday change the world.

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