The Day We Fight Back

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's the LAST day to DIVE

Dive is our fourth annual Halloween Event this year spread over four sims and it's something in Second Life you can't miss this Fall season. Today is the last day, so it's now or never! It's a totally interactive investigative horror game with incredible prizes from some of SL's best designers. You enter the Hyperion Hotel, since the 1920s it has been looming over the city, specter-like, it's secrets hidden from the casual passerby. Once inside you will get the instructions left for you at the front desk by your nameless contact from the Winthrop Institute for Paranormal Research and you begin your night in Hell. Make sure you read your instructions because this is not your every day walk around and grab hunt. In fact its not a hunt at all, it's a game and an experience! You will have to solve puzzles and find clues to make it from one place to the next so click and take everything you can. Mixed in with the puzzles are some incredible gifts and it only takes about an hour to do.
So bring your friends, someone to hide behind or someone you want to push down the stairs and see DIVE. In the past month we've had thousands of players and gotten RAVE reviews from bloggers, guests and even Lindens. Here's where your end begins....TAXI to the HYPERION

Here is a list of the stores/designers participating and I even put out EIGHT prizes myself. All contributors have main stores or are vendors on the Pulse, Snatch City or Nomine sims so come check them out! I'd personally like to thank them all for donating such fantastic prizes. You won't believe the haul this year!
Crimson & Clover
Weather Or Not
Djinn & Tonic
Acid & Mala
Rara Avis
Fear & Clothing
Blackberry Jam
Tainted Desire
It's Cake
The Hidey Spot
Eat Me COuture
Old Dirty Bastards

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