The Day We Fight Back

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Come SEE

All these things available only at the Alternative Fair from Sn@tch. A percentage goes to help raise money to send life saving mosquito nets to Africa, India and other countries where Malaria and the related infections are killing children at an alarming rate.

Forty percent of the world’s population lives in malaria endemic countries, and its treatment consumes nearly 40 percent of these countries’ public health resources. In addition to the burden on local healthcare systems, malaria illness and death costs Africa approximately $12 billion per year in lost productivity. The effects permeate almost every sector.

It takes so little to make a huge impact. my outfits are $250 L...10 of those buy a net that will protect a family of five for up to five years. Don't take a moment of life for granted. Enjoy your life, your second life AND you can change lives while doing it. It's so easy. Only a few days left of the fair and we need your help. Over 50 designers have shared their talent and time to make a difference. 57 nets and counting....

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