Lastly, here's a litte something I did for my girl Ishtar at Overdose. Some Junkie Logo Thermals. They are on sale at the Overdose Sim and at the Pulse main store for a mere $75 L. These even have blood stains on the inner arms. Sick and hot!

OK if you've read this far, here's a little news that may of be of some interest. Sn@tch is having a little contest starting today and running until next Friday February the 8th. We've tossed and bantered over a logo and slogan since we started Sn@tch and gone through a lot of phases trying things out but nothing seems to stick...so now its up to you. We're having a logo contest. Come up with the new logo and ad copy for the Sn@tch brand. We want a graphic and a slogan together or separately. Go wild...you know we like it dirty and trashy. Dont worry about offending anyone with your language...just make it hot, alternative and grungy. This is the best part. The winner picked by Roblem and I wins 12 Sn@tch complete outfits. All the newest shit as well as a $3000 L Cash PRIZE. You can't beat that for one ad. So have at it...be creative and be wild as you wanna. Send all entries to yours truly Ivey Deschanel in a notecard with Sn@tch Logo Contest-(your name here) by Midnight SLT on Friday February 8th. Winner will be announced on Monday February 11th. Sn@tch reserves the right to use the winning logo in ads for the brand with all permissions in perpetuity. Thanks and have fun with it!
Until next time Sn@tch Fans...this is Ivey and I'm out!!
I was just in the shop last night, turned to the side and saw the ad for the kilt and then I turned to my other side and told Law 'omg another awesome kilt!' - yer so right, nothing sexier! I had no idea it was such a new addition tho, so glad we snagged it up so quick!
Bloody hell Ivey, more wonderful stuff! I dunno what it is about this week but I am seeing so many new designers that are coming out with some absolutely terrific fashions and I have to say your store (and Orchid dreams) are both at the top of my list at the moment. Both of your designs are fresh and funky in completely different ways but OMG all I know is I need a linden overdraft to be able to deal with this habit! Anyway, will try and get Jez in a kilt a bit later on..kilts are so sexy because you *know* he has to be naked underneath it. If he isn't he deserves to be punished, if he is..well punish him anyway! Seriously I was in edinburgh last year ( I'm half Scottish on my Dad's side) and the amount of young men walking around in kilts was really suprising and there were some real hotties too...Anyway, thanks for making these fabulous fashions!
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