"Badass Bitch from Hell" was inspired by Aemillia Case's (Philotic Energy)I had to use it in the ad. I wanted to make a tough girl set...she's a little hard edged and way sexy..prolly likes her metal heavy and her Jim Beam, straight up...Just like her men
I watched the Craft again last week and decided to recreate their school uniforms for the dirty little girl we all have inside us. "Jailbait" comes with three tops (sweater, jacket and a tied white blouse) black knit knee socks and a uniform skirt that's a little longer than the ones I usually make but it still wouldn't pass the kneel test. This one is a ton of fun to wear out and gets lotsss of attention.
And then we have my first foray into lingerie...these sets come with two layers so you can mix, match, wear with tatts and layer for more color options. Each pack comes with 10 different colors. The only one not pictured is the black and white combo. The stockings set has 11 pairs...I encluded a taupe for the slightly tan leg. The Bindi Collection is one of my fave things. I love silk and sari fabric and the patterns so I wanted to get that feeling of soft. These are all slightly sheer so wear with caution -grins-

I also threw together a little black stocking set which includes three types of fishnets (seamed, torn and over the knee zippered in the back) and a pair of black nylons and black bindi panties. This set is priced great at only $75 L for all you see. LOL sorry my cute ass isnt included...
This hot little sleep outfit is available in store thru tonite only for FREE...after that it's going on the wall at $100 L so get em while you can. It's a soft grey jersey with the Sn@tch Logo, red and grey itty bitty panties and scrunched knee socks..."Jersey Girl" was the best I could come up with -eyeroll-
Anddddd finally, my first full body tattoo. Sold in all three layers...it's skulls, guns, fire and stars in superbright colors and I called it "Bang Bang" for the song from Kill Bill. It just reminded me of the desert wedding massacre for some reason and it was a shitload of fun to make.
More coming realll soon and some guy shit, I promise...til next time blog readers...Ivey has left the building. Buh Bye!
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