I swear I'll get caught up on this shit today. I could never be a fashion blogger. I have such admiration for people who can keep with these things. I couldnt keep a diary IRL either. Ok new stuff! Or sorta new..within the last few weeks anyways -grins
Another item in the "Hunger" line...it's a black chinese silk dress with a veryyyy low V front, tuxedo ruffles and flouncy sleeves. I made some gartered fishnets and panties to go with it (you will need panties unless you wanna show the cha cha, but thats up to you!) I also made a sheer jacket version that can be worn alone or with pants. This is gothic elegant and playful too! I call this one "Gimme Siren" after the line from This Corrosion by Joy Division...It seemed to fit my gothy stare at the camera.
I had in my mind some wide striped pants for awhile and finally made a neat striped knit fabric and did the lowrise pants in several great intense colors. I threw in a cute black cropped knit hoodie with prim hood and cords and it made a sweet set called "Carnivale"
After the release of "Gimme Siren" which has been amazingly popular, I paired the same Tuxedo top with some red and purple wide striped pants from the "Carnivale" set and did "Tragedy" for the Hunger line. It has a tucked shirt bottom and looks very sophisticated, sleek and edgy at the same time.
"Cha Cha" is my take on the salsa dress but ultra sexy and a little street edged. A silk pattered draped halter with attached black bra, very low in the back to show those back tatts. It comes with a ruffled prim flouncy skirt and stockings. Oyyy Papi this one is CALIENTE! (Gawd that was hokey I cant believe I typed that..I apologise)
I had people screaming at me for skirts without glitch pants in different textures so I made four cheapie outfits with a skirt I'm calling the "Swallow" The belt buckles are a kyoot little rhinestone swallow but the patterns and styles are very different. All these are amazing prices for full outfits!
"Kill Barbie" is a graphic tee with with gutshot wound and large bloody exit hole. Who hasnt wanted to do this to a blingtard. The Swallow Skirt is pink and black plaid and it comes with pink ripped fishnets. This so reminds me of my brother sticking my quick-curl barbie in the easy bake oven and cooking her with a 40 watt light bulb...I cried
I had already done this bikini when I did the Crash set but saved it not knowing what I would use it for but I made this latex Swallow Skirt and it just went with it so well. It includes the bloody skull kini the top is on the shirt layer and a long sleeved cropped/ripped fishnet shirt on the jacket layer so you can wear upper tatts with it. Also included are simple necessary fishnet stockings and bloody "Skull Kini" bottoms.
"Zombie Luck" is a hot little knit halter with bare back, retro graphic and blood red sweater collar. It comes with a classic red and black plaid Swallow Skirt and ripped as shit fishnets. This is for the dead gurlz. You know who you are!
And finally in this Swallow Series is "Sick Puppy" I found this weird critter on some japanese site and it screamed make me a T-shirt. I dont really know what it is but we've narrowed it down to dog or monkey. The colors were noxious so I ran with it and made a sparkly denim skirt and vomit colored knit over the knee socks.Okies thas it for this one. Another post coming in a few with infomation on the upcoming fashion show with Philotic Energy, Vital Animations and Nomine...and the modeling contest info where you can find out how to get a spot in that show and lots of Prizes and CASH.
Til then, I'm out!
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